Besplatna dostavaBesplatna dostava iznad 65 €

DolceVita GRAN CREMA 70% Arabica

1000g kave u zrnu


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    • Besplatna dostava iznad 65 €
    • Rok isporuke 1 do 3 dana
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    Za narudžbe do 65 € dostava stoji samo 3,90 €.


    “Premium” mješavina odabranih kava od najboljih afričkih i srednjoameričkih usjeva koju karakterizira savršeni sklad tijela i slatkoće.


    GRAN CREMA savršeno je uravnotežena mješavina s visokim postotkom arabice kave koja zahtijeva polagano i delikatno prženje kako bi se u potpunosti usavršila. S druge strane, robusta zrna, odabrana od slađih sorti, prži se posebno na višoj temperaturi.


    GRAN CREMA ima aromatski profil sličan onom 100% Arabica mješavina, ali s više tijela. Prevladavanje arabice daje mješavini slatke voćne note popraćene laganom kiselošću.


    Pakiranje sadrži 1000g


    “Premium” blend of selected coffees from the best African and Central American crops characterized by the perfect harmony between body and sweetness.


    Espresso Bar is a perfectly balanced blend with a high percentage of Arabica coffee that require a slow and delicate roasting to be enhanced to the fullest. Robusta beans, on the other hand, selected from the sweeter varieties, are cooked separately at a higher temperature.


    Espresso Bar has an aromatic profile similar to that of 100% Arabica blends but with more body. The prevalence of Arabica origins gives the blend sweet fruity notes accompanied by a slight acidity.

    INTENSITY 9/12


    Jaki (7-9)


    70% Arabica 30% Robusta


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